Governor_|_Lt._Governor (Alaska; 2022-08-16)
🔗 2022-08-16_Alaska-Governor_|_Lt._Governor
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Below is the ABIF from the "2022-08-16_Alaska-Governor_|_Lt._Governor" election (Governor_|_Lt._Governor (Alaska; 2022-08-16))
The STAR results of 2022-08-16_Alaska-Governor_|_Lt._Governor are below, and can be edited in the field above.
- STAR output — Winner: Dunleavy/Dahlstrom
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STAR results
2022-08-16_Alaska-Governor_|_Lt._Governor STAR results permalink:
(one star above is approximately 34,082 stars allocated by voters)
- Total voters: 192,256
- Total stars allocated: 1,704,123
- First round:
- ★#1: Dunleavy/Dahlstrom received 688,653 stars from 76,517 voters
- ★#2: Gara/Cook received 393,003 stars from 43,667 voters
- ★#3: Walker/Drygas received 387,675 stars from 43,075 voters
- ★#4: Pierce/Grunwald received 112,257 stars from 12,473 voters
- ★#5: Kurka/Hueper received 65,988 stars from 7,332 voters
- ★#6: Howe/Wyatt received 15,462 stars from 1,718 voters
- ★#7: Walden/Lange received 15,093 stars from 1,677 voters
- ★#8: Toien/Rainbolt received 12,447 stars from 1,383 voters
- ★#9: Haeg/Coleman received 10,359 stars from 1,151 voters
- ★#10: Nemec/Ostrem received 3,186 stars from 354 voters
- Finalists:
- ★Dunleavy/Dahlstrom preferred by 76,504 of 192,256 voters
- ★Gara/Cook preferred by 43,654 of 192,256 voters
- ★No preference between the finalists: 72098
- STAR winner: Dunleavy/Dahlstrom